Beam EDM - Pulsed Neutron EDM Experiment

The measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) is considered to be one of the most important fundamental physics experiments at low energy and presents a very promising route for finding new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. The search for a finite neutron EDM remains a top priority which is followed by various research teams setting up experiments for improved measurements. All these collaborations are using or are planning to use ultracold neutrons, offering the advantage of long observation times at the cost of lower neutron statistics. However, complementary approaches with different susceptibility to systematics and high statistics are highly desirable.

We intend to employ a novel pulsed neutron beam concept at high intensity which was presented recently [Piegsa, Phys. Rev. C 88, 045502 (2013)] and allows for a separation of velocity dependent and independent effects acting on the neutron spin. Thus, it provides a possibility to distinguish between the effect due to a neutron EDM and previously limiting systematic effects. As a result, this new method describes a complementary approach to search for a neutron EDM.

Overall conceptual design of the Beam EDM prototype experiment.
Overall conceptual design of the Beam EDM prototype experiment.
Beam EDM setup at PF1b at ILL 2020
Beam EDM apparatus installed at the PF1b beam line at ILL (2020).